• Solutions: Increasing Efficiency
    Relationships: Creating Change
    Technology: Unleashing Potential
  • Innovation: Removing Obstacles
Silent Shield, LLC has been developing hardware and software solutions for the forensic community over the past 16 years.  Adopting some of the most important methods to data preserving and data extraction while creating new data related processes, Silent Shield has been actively known as the “go-to” place to get the job done.
Forensic applications built by other companies often stress (or justify) the importance of being expensive and thorough.  We, at Silent Shield, believe in a different philosophy.  Make fully functional and featured enriched products while keeping it affordable.  If you’re investigating cybercrime, performing digital forensics, or simply need to do a “quick peak” preview at data, we have the right product for you.
Staying ahead while keeping costs relative makes Silent Shield a perfect mix for you.

Silent Shield equips digital specialists with cybercrime and digital forensics tools:

Capture And Track Investigator Evidence is used for both online and offline investigations.  From cybercrime to digital forensics CATIE is your one software solution that can manage your case data, capture elements from the internet, and analyze your forensic images. For additional information, please click here.

Field Search has a long history of being there to assist you with your cases while on the scene. Over 32,000 users worldwide and while its still free to sworn law enforcement officers, Field Search has recently been updated to collect even more information in your triage situations. To read more about how you can get a copy, please click here.

P2P Decryptor

P2P Decryptor is used to collect, search, and report evidence related to peer-to-peer programs such as Ares.  With completely searchable results, P2P Decryptor will provide you with an excellent view of what the user has for files related to Ares. Reporting is available in 4 different formats. For more information, click here.

Ever wonder about the best method to transport your files? Today is not a good practice to email the files…or is it wise to copy the files to a CD, DVD, or thumb drive without encryption. If you don’t have time to use complicated encryption software, here comes Transporter.  For more information, click here.

ICIE: Built for schools and resource officers from elementary, middle school, and even high school where children may feel depressed or a victim of bullying. ICIE can capture concerns from children by allowing the child to press (click) a panic button that gathers information about the emotions a child may be facing. For more information, click here.

News Room Annoucements

Check Your Connection – A free tool.

NetCheck: Designed to be easy. Once click and you’ll know if you are connected to the Internet. Runs on Windows Only. Made available because of the attorneys who dedicate their time to assisting... Read More

Field Search v5 Updated

Field Search version 5 is now available to government and law enforcement agencies around the world. We at Silent Shield are very excited and believe this version will aid in the discovery of... Read More

Silent Shield’s Newsletter

November, 2015 Edition: November’s Edition is now available! Some of this months highlights include the following: Silent Shield’s upcoming release of Field Search expected to easily parse and examine Microsoft Edge. Score 1,004... Read More